This fan-made site is NOT an endorsement of pirating games and does not encourage theft. The file linked in this site is a memory card file (PlayStation One Memory Card Data) of progress in the game. As fans, we want to support the companies that made and supported the games we love.
PlayStation and the PlayStation BIOS are all trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment and will never be offered by this website and cannot be obtained from any members of our community. We encourage anyone wanting to play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night PlayStation Discs to purchase an applicable PlayStation One, PlayStation 2, or PlayStation 3 system from a reliable second-hand game sales store. If you really want to support Sony, go watch Spider-Man in the the theater or buy a PS5. I also heard their TV's are really nice.
Castlevania and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a registered trademark and property owned by Konami Group Corporation and will never be offered by this website and cannot be obtained from any members of our community. We trust and advocate all players offered assistance by this guide to purchase a PlayStation copy of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night from a reliable second-hand game sales store to use with the Randomizer. You could also do Konami a solid by buying a copy of the current version of C: SOTN from the PlayStation Store, X-Box Live Arcade, or for your Mobile Device.